Dental bonding in Littleton, CO is a restorative as well as a cosmetic procedure that efficiently resolves aesthetic dental issues. To conceal minor cosmetic imperfections, tooth bonding may be a perfect solution. This low-cost but effective procedure is quite simple but could bring about a dramatic effect to your smile.
Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves applying a plastic composite resin on a tooth to fix chipping, discoloration, fracture, or decay. It is referred to as 'bonding' because the composite resin bonds directly onto the tooth it is applied to. The process for dental bonding can be completed in a single visit to a dental office.
Dental Bonding in Littleton, CO is a very excellent choice for improving the appearance of damaged or stained teeth. Here are some common cosmetic dental issues that can be easily fixed with the help of dental bonding:
Dental bonding in Littleton, CO is a cosmetic procedure that can be performed without using anesthesia. After an initial discussion with your dentist to decide on the process, select a composite resin color that closely resembles your remaining natural teeth. There are shade cards available to pick the color which comes closest to your tooth color.
Once the shade is selected, the dentist in Littleton, CO will bond the composite resin to the affected tooth. This is done by first roughening the tooth's surface and applying the bonding agent. The rough texture makes it easier for the liquid composite to stick. The bonding material is fixed and molded to repair the damaged portion of the tooth. It is then hardened with laser light. If necessary, the dentist can further shape the tooth even if the resin has hardened.
It is imperative to take proper care of a bonded tooth. The dental bonds are not as durable as natural teeth. It is best to avoid eating hard foods such as candies and ice cubes, and other solid foods as it may result in the breaking of the dental bonds. The composite resin may not be able to resist the stains and discoloration. Stain-causing foods should not be consumed to avoid stains.
Call us at phone number (303) 9735280 or schedule an online appointment. Email us at to know more about dental bonding.
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MON - THU 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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The Courtyards at Deer Creek 7631 Shaffer Pkwy Suite B,
Littleton, CO
Phone : (303) 973-5280